Where the Devil Roams Review

Where the Devil Roams reviewWonder Wheel Productions

Scare Value Award Winner – Best Director

Top 10 Film of 2023

Where the Devil Roams review.

One of the most original and exciting movies of the year, Where the Devil Roams continues the trajectory of the Adams Family as our finest independent horror filmmakers.

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Where the Devil Roams review
Wonder Wheel Productions

Where the Devil Roams

Directed by John Adams, Zelda Adams and Toby Poser

Written by John Adams, Zelda Adams and Toby Poser

Starring Toby Poser, Zelda Adams, John Adams, Lulu Adams, Nathaniel Meek, Razor de Rockefeller and Stephen O’Donnell

Where the Devil Roams Review

The filmmaking family behind Where the Devil Roams had previously made waves with the excellent HellbenderHellbender was a coming-of-age story about witchcraft and, of course, family.  It showcased the unique vision of the three headed writer/director group (and featured some of their kickass music to boot).  When it comes to vision (and music) …Where the Devil Roams sees the Adams clan pushing out even further with their confident style.  There are similarities story wise as well.  If you felt those waves created by their last outing…brace yourself for a tsunami.

A family who works as a carnival attraction attempts to work their way to the big Buffalo Horror Show while murdering their way around the circuit.  Eve (Zelda Adams) is the silent (unless singing as part of their stage show) daughter of war weary father Steven (John Adams) and quick to the kill mother Maggie (Toby Poser).  Steven can’t handle the sight of blood following his time as an enlisted man.  Maggie can handle it just fine. 

Where the Devil Roams has style to burn.  It’s a gorgeous film.  Whether it be the hypnotic nature of the family’s stage presence, or the beautiful violence unleashed by Maggie at the drop of a hat…there is always something interesting to look at.  Not just look at…feel.  That’s the magic of the family’s filmmaking.  Like Hellbender before it…you find yourself completely drawn into the beautiful madness they unleash.  They present twisted characters that are oddly comfortable and relatable.  And the music!  At one point the movie seemingly pauses for an impromptu music video.  It feels straight out of the 90s in all the best ways…giving the movie a real charge as it approaches an unforgettable climax.

One of those twisted, yet fascinating, characters is fellow sideshow act Mr. Tipps (Sam Rodd).  He has harnessed a very specific type of magic.  One that allows him to cut parts off his body and sew it back together for repeat performances.  Naturally, he focuses on his fingers.  Mr. Tipps, after all.  This side story seems like a fun/grotesque diversion at first…but it becomes extremely important as Where the Devil Roams unfolds. 

Other than the promise of the Buffalo Horror Show…we spend a lot of time wondering exactly how Where the Devil Roams is unfolding.  We follow the family as they make their way around the carnival loop.  Steven’s eyes covered whenever the threat of blood is present.  Maggie making sure that it almost always is.  Eve watches silently…documenting the carnage with her trusty camera.  The family’s act isn’t good enough.  Yet.  This is where the story will inevitably go.

It will get there with a darkly funny script.  Some of the funniest moments of the year in horror are woven into some of the most memorable imagery.  The tone of Where the Devil Roams is as unique as its impeccable style.  Memorable scene after memorable scene plays out during the characters’ journey.  Some frontier dentistry here…a misunderstanding of what is a part of Germany there…you never know exactly where the movie is taking you next.  But you can be sure it will be bloody, beautiful, and surprisingly funny.

All roads lead to a completely wild third act.  Dark magic, dark humor, efficient murder…it’s all just prologue.  The final act of Where the Devil Roams is incredible.  It begins with a shocking moment and never lets up…getting weirder and wilder as it goes.  This is a completely fresh, unique film with a final image that will not soon leave your head.

Where the Devil Roams is very much like the Adams family themselves.  We aren’t sure what comes next…but can be confident it will be memorable.  And excellent.  This is one of the best movies of the year and the best movie from the filmmakers yet.  Not knowing what to expect from them next is one of the most exciting things happening in horror today.  A must see.

Scare Value

Where the Devil Roams is one of the best movies of 2023. It’s gorgeous, it’s funny, it’s shocking…there doesn’t seem to be anything that the family Adams can’t accomplish in the realm of independent horror. Unforgettable imagery and a darkly hilarious script set this film apart from the pack. Whatever is next for this filmmaking family…get excited now. Then watch Where the Devil Roams and get even more excited.


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Where the Devil Roams Trailer

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