The Mean One Review

The Mean One ReviewSleight of Hand Productions

The Mean One review.

Christmas themed horror movies have a spotty history at best. The ones that seem to claim legendary status among hardcore horror fans tend to be on the sillier side. Black Christmas might get the acclaim…but movies like Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 garner the seasonal rewatch. There’s a lesson there about what fans of these movies truly want to find under the tree come holiday season. The Mean One has learned that lesson.

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The Mean One Review
Sleight of Hand Productions

The Mean One

Directed by Steven LaMorte

Written by Finn Kobler and Flip Kobler

Starring David Howard Thornton, Krystie Martin, Chase Mullins and Amy Schumacher

The Mean One Review

We’re going to change up the style you’re used to

And try something different with this movie review

The content discussed should explain the reason

Perhaps a bit wacky, but…hey…tis the season

So, let’s look at a movie that aims to be fun

The unlicensed Grinch parody called The Mean One

The Kobler’s have written a warped Dr. Seuss

By letting his character really cut loose

“But who will direct?” they asked with a sigh

Steven LaMorte then said “I’m your guy”

They filled up the cast and they filled out the crew

The story’s lead character would be Cindy…well…you know who

A Grinch slasher movie would be quite a sight

But copyright laws say you don’t have the right

How could they make their crazed adaptation?

By avoiding names, places and any re-creation

The production began quite merrily

Thanks to the loose rules that surround parody

Our movie begins with a twist on the story

Instead of bringing back Christmas it gets pretty gory

The Mean One kills Cindy’s mother and leaves her there crying

No one believes Cindy’s story…they all think she’s lying

The town puts away Christmas after that yuletide slaughter

Year’s later, Cindy’s father returns to town with his daughter

He meets the same fate as his wife did before

Town officials dismiss it to avoid an uproar

Cindy believes the monster resides in the hills

The police still do nothing despite all of his kills

She realized the monster attacks Christmas cheer

And loads up with decorations to beckon him near

The plot of The Mean One is simple yet clever

There are some things that could be better, however

Digital blood is used in most places

Except for the wounds already on faces

Kills happen offscreen too often for my liking

Practical effects would have been much more striking

These choices exist because of the budget

Keep that in mind when you watch it and judge it

The intent was in place to provide something merry

A fun take on a classic…more bloody than scary

The actors have fun with their roles in the action

The scale of the production keeps it from gaining full traction

If a Christmas time murder movie has your attention

You can watch The Mean One without apprehension

It’s made with a love of the story it riffs

And can be forgiven for one or two whiffs

The story concludes with a brilliant end to the fight

Definitely something Dr. Seuss wouldn’t write

The Mean One wins you over by the time that it’s done

A little holiday horror never hurt anyone

If only the kills measured up to the best

While David Howard Thornton played this killer with zest

It still all totals up to a fine use of your time

Now if you’ll excuse me…I’m all out of words that sound like other words.

Scare Value

The Mean One is at its best when it explores the themes of the story it parodies. Why The Mean One reappears after decades and who he kills is a clever take on the material. An overuse of digital effects holds back the kill scenes. A lot of violence happens offscreen with a digital blood splatter. It’s not ideal…but likely a necessary compromise given the budget. What works in The Mean One is the warped spirit of the original text on display. And it has a brilliant ending.


A preview screener was provided by Sleight of Hand Productions. Special thanks to Ted Geoghegan.

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The Mean One Trailer

If you enjoyed this review of The Mean One, check out some other Christmas horror reviews: Black Christmas, Adult Swim Yule Log

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