Signal 100 review.
Signal 100 begins streaming exclusively on Screambox tomorrow. It’s a wild ride that wastes no time in turning the crazy dial to 11. An insane premise is played for all that it is worth.
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Signal 100
Directed by Lisa Takeba
Written by Watanabe Yusuke
Starring Kanna Hashimoto, Toshiki Seto, Shouma Kai, Masaki Nakao and Yûta Koseki
Signal 100 Review
Fifteen minutes in to Signal 100 the movie has set-up its premise, had some crazy fun with it, and started the game in earnest. It wastes no time getting down to brass tacks. Fans of character development and deep plots may find themselves feeling dizzy at the breakneck speed with which Signal 100 takes off. Fans of batshit crazy battle royale movies with wild turns and bloody payoffs will be very, very happy.
A high school teacher hypnotizes his students with a cursed video and explains that there are 100 signals that will make them commit suicide. They don’t know what will set them off…and the only way to break the spell is to be the last person left alive. Everything from leaving school grounds to drinking from a bottle could be a signal.
We begin with many students under the curse. One of the signals is physical violence against another person…so the key to survival is not as simple as killing everyone else. That’s one way that Signal 100 turns the standard battle royale trope on its head. Some of the other aspects of the movie type are inevitable. We don’t get to know much about most of the students. Shifting allegiances and backstabbing are staples. Heroic moments too. The most exciting change, however, is the concept of not knowing what will trigger you into killing yourself.
The characters that get the most attention are Rena (Kanna Hashimoto), Sota (Yûta Koseki) and Wada (Toshiki Seto). There is another group of secondary characters that we follow for a good amount of time…so Signal 100 doesn’t just throw faceless characters into the bloodshed. We learn about relationships between some of the characters as the story unfolds. The most important information is held back until the last minute in a way that undercuts some of the effectiveness. As much as I appreciate the swiftness of Signal 100’s opening…a couple key pieces of backstory might have been better served stationed up front.
Essentially a suicide royale…Signal 100 offers up a wide variety of deaths to feast your eyes on. This is a bloody movie and most of the effects are very well done. One or two things don’t work perfectly…but they’re going for some extremely fun ideas. There are some unique and memorable deaths mixed into some more common methods of killing yourself.
The characters endeavor to discover all 100 signals so they can know what to avoid doing. They come by the first half incredibly easily but with 50 secret signals out there, plenty of fun is left to be had. It also opens the door for a movie to use a different tactic. Some of the students may know more of the signals…and can use them against others to trick them into being triggered. It’s a fun way to easily divide groups into people you root for and people you don’t.
Most of the signals make sense in the context of why they exist. There are, however, a couple that are overly silly. They’re necessary to set up major scenes later in the film…but you’re a bit taken out of it knowing they only exist for that purpose. All is forgiven when the payoff is a tense moment or a wild scene.
The actors do a great job under consistently intense scenarios. The pacing of the movie doesn’t allow for many small character moments. Whenever one comes up, however, the actors nail it. What they’re mostly tasked to do is react to the frenzy around them. It’s that kind of movie.
Not every little detail of Signal 100 works…but the main driving spectacle of it completely does. It’s a wild ride that flies by. Every moment is a potential signal…and information can turn anyone into a monster. This is an easy recommendation for anyone who enjoys battle royale movies or just a movie that goes bonkers. It’s weird to refer to a movie about students with a suicide curse as fun…but here we are.
Scare Value
The opening 15 minutes of Signal 100 let you know exactly what you are in for. It’s also one of the more insane first 15 minutes of a movie you’re going to find. Cursed horror has rarely been this fast paced and wild. While one or two decisions the script makes are done out of convenience…they’re always to set up something nuts later. It might not be for everyone, but the audience that wants their movies to go fully insane is going to love it.
Signal 100 will begin streaming on Screambox on January 24. A screener was provided for this review.
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Streaming on Screambox
Signal 100 Trailer
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