Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls review.
Andrew Bowser brings his internet character to the big screen with a consistently entertaining movie. Streaming exclusively on Screambox November 14
New movie reviews will not contain spoilers.

Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls
Directed by Andrew Bowser
Written by Andrew Bowser
Starring Andrew Bowser, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Jeffrey Combs, Rivkah Reyes, Arden Myrin, Terrance ‘T.C.’ Carson and Barabara Crampton
Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls Review
My only exposure to Andrew Bowser’s character Onyx the Fortuitous comes from a cameo in the recent Screambox release HeBGB TV. A quick look at Bowser’s IMDB page tells you that he’s been playing the role in videos for over a decade. Obviously, I can’t speak to those. I can say that there was nothing wrong with the brief appearance in HeBGB TV…but nothing suggested the need for a feature length film centered on the character either. I’m happy to report that Onyx can not only lead a movie…it can lead a great one.
Marcus (heretofore referred to as Onyx the Fortuitous) is a loser. He works at a dead-end fast-food job and lives with his mother (Barbara Crampton). He’s had it with his stepfather and the bullying customers. After quitting his job slinging burgers…he receives an invite to the demonic ritual of his dreams…hosted by Bartok the Great (Jeffrey Combs). Little does he know; he and the rest of the guests are there to be sacrificed.
A distinct sense of fun pervades Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls. It’s not afraid to tip its cap to classic horror stories. Whether it be Barok reciting the Child’s Play voodoo chant while wielding the knife of Dagon…or trying to open a Hellmouth…it’s clear that we’re here to have fun. They recreate a famous moment from Beetlejuice…and, in one of the movie’s best jokes, Meat Loaf’s I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That) music video.
Even though Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls is all about delivering the laughs…there is a fully fleshed out demon movie behind it. Bartok is intent on harnessing the power of the demon Abaddon…and he needs five souls to do it. Those souls need to be in the form of five archetypes. His five chosen guests represent the souls he needs to steal.
Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls gathers a fantastic cast. On top of Crampton and Combs (unfortunately never appearing together on screen), everyone brings their A game. Bartok is assisted by Farrah (Olivia Taylor Dudley), a demon whose allegiances are spotty at best. The other guests are played by Arden Myrin, Terrance Carter, Rivkah Reyes, and Melanie Chandra. As the archetypes of Viking, Werewolf, Witch and Queen respectively. That leaves Bowser’s Onyx as the company’s token virgin. The object of some particularly inspired comedy.
As the group starts getting picked off one by one (leading to some fun creature effect designs), Onyx and the remaining party goers attempt to investigate their situation. Bartok and Farrah push forward with their nefarious plans despite their attempts to stop it. Hardly any scene goes by without Bowser adding a comedic button to it. Onyx is hilarious throughout. His nervous run on sentences and clumsy revelations never fail to land. He’s both the comic relief and the hero that we need to fight off Bartok’s evil machinations. Bowser couldn’t be better.
Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls is a consistently entertaining movie. It’s effortlessly funny. The plot is exciting. It has perfect pacing. It’s a breath of fresh air to see an adventure that you are as interested in seeing what comes next as you are how they’re going to make it fun. The Meat Loaf parody alone is worth the price of admission. You get a full story here…but it wisely leaves it in a place for further adventure. I genuinely hope that we get to see it happen. Even at an hour and fifty minutes…it’s not enough time to spend in the world of Onyx the Fortuitous.
Plus…Barabara Crampton.
Scare Value
Everything in Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls works. Given that it takes some wild swings…that’s no small feat. Bowser proves his character can carry a feature film. Hopefully we’ll get to see it carry a franchise. The cast is excellent. The humor lands. A fully fleshed out story if you want it. Plus…Barabara Crampton. What more could you want?
Onys the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls Link
Streaming on Screambox November 14
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