New Horror Releases 12-24 – 12-30

New Horror Releases 12-24 - 12-30Breaking Glass Pictures

New Horror Releases 12-24 – 12-30


12/24 – A Vampire in the Family – Netflix

New Horror Releases 12-24 - 12-30

Fernandinho is a family man, former football player and a current podcast commentator that is surprised by the visit of his inconvenient brother-in-law, Gregorio, who discovers to be lazy and literally a bloodsucker – a vampire.

Streaming on Netflix

12/29 – It Lives Inside – Hulu

New Horror Releases 12-24 - 12-30

An Indian-American teenager struggling with her cultural identity has a falling out with her former best friend and, in the process, unwittingly releases a demonic entity that grows stronger by feeding on her loneliness.

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Streaming on Hulu


12/26 – Pig Killer

New Horror Releases 12-24 - 12-30
Breaking Glass Pictures

Inspired by the terrifying story of Robert “Willy” Pickton, the pig farmer and prolific killer of women whose horrific crimes shocked the world.

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