First Time Caller Review

First Time Caller reviewBuffalo 8

First Time Caller review.

A shock jock takes a call that changes everything. It’s the end of the world as we know it…presented as we’ve never seen it before.

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First Time Caller review
Buffalo 8

First Time Caller

Directed by James Darling and Abe Goldfarb

Written by Mac Rogers

Starring Abe Goldfarb, Brian Silliman, Rosebud, Priscilla Goldfarb, Mac Rogers, Sean Williams, Justin Fair and Dave Gilbert

First Time Caller Review

The apocalypse is nigh in First Time Caller…and we’re going to talk about it right after a word from our sponsors.  Okay…so the movie isn’t that critical of shock jock/podcast culture.  You expect that it will be.  It presents us with an over-the-top lead character right off the bat.  Brent Ziff (Abe Goldfarb) is the host of a live internet talk show.  Titled Brent Free, of course.  On the surface, Brent is a stereotypical shock jock.  Walking everything right to the line while interacting with his legions of followers.  You know the type.  Nothing is taken seriously…everything is up for mockery.

The most important thing to say about First Time Caller is that this movie wouldn’t work at all without Goldfarb’s excellent performance.  It presents a wild and intriguing concept…features a great voice performance from Brian Silliman as the titular caller, Leo…and has a script that keeps things from ever dragging.  But this is the Goldfarb show.  At the end of the day the entire movie plays out from his home studio with only him appearing on screen.  Goldfarb and co-director James Darling (J.D. Brynn) use every trick they can to make that setup feel dynamic.  Their greatest trick is Goldfarb’s charismatic performance.

It’s a night like any other when Brent takes Leo’s call.  The usual provocative questions and comments from Brent don’t betray the twist that’s about to happen.  Leo, as it turns out, is not just another fan calling in to get some of Brent’s trademarked abuse.  Things turn ominous quickly…the call ends with Leo telling Brent to tune into a concert livestream on the internet.  Because, he says, everyone there is just minutes away form being killed by a tsunami.

Brent laughs this off, of course.  The next caller follows the show’s motif and rips on Le and his ridiculous and soon to be disproved claims.  Leo choosing to predict a disaster with such immediacy is what intrigues Brent.  He turns on the broadcast…and discovers that his caller was correct.  An unforeseen tsunami wipes out everything.  Obsessed with discovering how Leo knew this would happen, Brent gets him back on the air. 

From this point on First Time Caller isn’t concerned with parodying or commenting on shock jocks or podcasts.  Some of it comes up, sure…but this is a story about the apocalypse.  Told by a mysterious caller on a well-known program.  Brent Free is about to have its most listeners ever.  What a way to go out.

More tsunamis are coming.  Earthquakes are going to happen all over the world.  Leo knows this because he can feel it.  Now…I don’t want to give the impression that First Time Caller is all doom and gloom.  Brent is still Brent, after all.  Even with a looming apocalypse there is still time to debate whether Kelly LeBrock was hotter in Weird Science or The Woman in Red.  Even the nature of how Leo claims to get his information has a comedic bent to it.  All of it is what First Time Caller is about.

Discussions about the world, Leo’s power, personal stories…the movie never runs out of interesting things to say.  Goldfarb never runs out of entertaining ways to say them.  First Time Caller is a tight hour and fifteen minutes.  It doesn’t overstay its welcome.  It doesn’t waste a beat.  Goldfarb and Darling’s ability to create and sustain energy while watching a man talk into a microphone is an impressive feat.  Mac Rogers’ script is full of fun and pointed commentary.  Goldfarb’s lead performance pulls it all together into something worth your time.

Scare Value

An excellent script and a tremendous lead performance keep First Time Caller flying high. Essentially trapped in a room with one character while the world ends outside…the movie has no right to be as exciting as it is. It’s a tightrope act from start to finish. Goldfarb confidently makes the walk.


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