Blind Cop 2 Review

Blind Cop 2 ReviewAnother Hole in the Head

Another Hole in the Head Film Festival Coverage

Blind Cop 2 review.

An absurd action comedy that succeeds by taking things ridiculously seriously.

Festival movie reviews will not contain spoilers.

Blind Cop 2 Review
Another Hole in the Head

Blind Cop 2

Directed by Alec Bonk

Written by Alec Bonk

Starring George Fearing, Brandon Despain, Isaac McKinnon, Demingo Graham, Steven Vogel, Brad Wakeman and Ann Sweet

Blind Cop 2 Review

If you grew up in an era where cable had a non-ridiculous number of channels…you’ll understand exactly why Blind Cop 2 exists.  No…it isn’t because there was a movie called Blind Cop.  This is a sequel to a movie that doesn’t exist.  It brings back a character you’ve never heard of.  Putting the emotional weight on backstory you’ve never seen.  But it could be a sequel to any number of 80s/90s low budget action movies.  An overly macho cop who plays by his own rules.  Over the top villains.  Twists and turns of allegiances.  Blind Cop 2 celebrates these things by playing them hilariously straight. 

Blind Cop (George Fearing, yes…that is the lead character’s name) is back!  And he’s got a lot of work to do.  After he’s fired from the force for throwing someone off a building…Blind Cop finds himself in the gutter.  Literally.  He’s mocked and pissed on by street criminals.  When new acquaintance Schmidty (Isaac McKinnon) helps him get back on his feet…the duo begins to follow leads and seek revenge for the death of Blind Cop’s partner Mac (Steven Vogel).

Blind Cop is, unsurprisingly, blind.  What may surprise you is how adept he is at carrying out vigilante justice despite this disability.  We’re not just talking about his ability to headshot people from every angle…he can drive a car or motorcycle as if he had perfect vision.  Absurdities like this aren’t called out for comedy…they’re just played as if it was the most normal things in the world.  In the world of Blind Cop 2…they are.

A renegade hero like this has already made quite the name for himself by the time his faux sequel rolled around.  Criminals and civilians alike know all about him.  His intimidating Batman-like voice intimidates those who hear it.  The investigation takes some unexpected twists and turns…but the plot of Blind Cop 2 is hardly the point.  The feel of it is. 

Whether we are in a flashback to Blind Cop’s time in the jungle training to be the unstoppable force of justice that he is or watching him clear out a bar of underlings to get his hands on the boss…this is pure cheese served in the most earnest way possible.  Blind Cop and Schmidty run the gamut of cop movie cliches throughout their adventure.  What could have played out like a lazy parody is instead a wonderfully entertaining film thanks to the performances of a game cast.  Playing odd things seriously sets a great tone that Blind Cop 2 maintains throughout the story.

Just when our hero believes he has his hands on the boss responsible for his partner’s death…he discovers that there is a boss boss that is pulling this boss’s strings.  Before he can get the boss boss’s name…the first boss is gunned down and Blind Cop is framed for the murder.  That’s the kind of plot progressions we’re talking about.  Now a wanted fugitive on top of a disgraced cop…our hero continues to seek out information on his partner’s death.  All while having an on again off again partnership with Schmidty.  It’s hard to play with a vigilante cop who plays by his own rules, after all.

Blind Cop 2 is for people who stayed up late watching B-action movies.  This is a spiritual sequel to how you felt watching them.  An infallible, but flawed hero.  A civilian sidekick learning to climb dangerous ropes.  Useless henchman serving a one-dimensional villain.  No wasted ammo.  Story twists held together by duct tape and string.  Any reason to take the hero’s shirt off.  All that’s missing is the damsel in distress for our hero to bed (and save).  Well…you have to leave something for the sequel.

Scare Value

Blind Cop 2 is a fitting sequel to…ok so there is no Blind Cop 1. Consider the first installment of the series any 80s action film you saw on Cinemax after prime time. A revenge tale that finds comedy playing with genre tropes. Not by mocking them…by doubling down on them. A knowing tribute to a specific era of action movies. Bring on Blind Cop 3. Or…whatever number they want to choose.

Streaming until December 25 on the Another Hole in the Head film festival site

Blind Cop 2 Trailer

If you enjoyed this review of Blind Cop 2…check out some other films from the Another Hole in the Head film festival: Sweet Relief, Creep Box, 521 North Main Street, He Never Left, Scalper, Love Will Tear Us Apart, Invoking Yell and The Goatman

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