Arrow March 2024 Line-up Announced

London, UK – Arrow Video is excited to announce the March 2024 lineup of their subscription-based ARROW platform, available to subscribers in the US, Canada, the UK and Ireland. Embrace March Madness with a selection of new titles, from shorts by new talent to deep dives into filmmakers that changed cinema forever.

March 1st may be the beginning of the month, but for ARROW it’s the End of the Road (UK/ IRE/ US/CA). Put the pedal to the metal with a collection of automotive assaults on the senses! End of the Road has a tank full of four-wheeled thrills, reckless road trips and breakneck car chases, so jump in, crank the stereo and let’s hit the highway.
Titles Include: Threshold, Black Test Car, Fill ‘er Up With Super.

Also on March 1st, head back to ARROW’s film school with a trio of Paul Joyce documentaries about iconic filmmakers: Dirk Bogarde: By Myself Parts 1 & 2 (UK/ IRE/ US/CA): a two part interview in which Dirk Bogarde talks about his life and decades-long career, his transitions from heartthrob to icon of edginess, from leading man of the British Box office to novelist and director. In Nagisa Oshima: The Man Who Left His Soul on Film (UK/ IRE/ US/CA): a profile of Japanese filmmaker Nagisha Oshima explores the pioneer of the Japanese New Wave whose boundary-pushing output is chronicled through interviews with Paul Mayersberg, Donald Richie, Roger Pulvers and Oshima himself.

On March 8th, Keep the Faith (UK/ IRE/ US/CA). When all manner of unholy terrors and calamities are out to get you, all you can do is Keep the Faith. A collection that sees the godly, and not-so-godly, pushed to the edge and beyond by visions, murderers, the undead and the sordid; you don’t need to pray for a season of religious thrills and horrors – it already walks among you.
Titles Include: The Righteous, Black Rainbow, Crimes of Passion.

Also on March 8, ARROW continues its commitment to showcasing short films from emerging talent, with Ciarán Hickey’s sci-fi horror Terrible Things, Alex Baro-Cayetano’s unnerving chiller Keith, Drew Maxwell Weiss’s stalker story The Anatomy Maestro, and Ryan Irving’s twisted comedy horror Bark (all UK/ IRE/ US/CA).

On March 11, take a trip into the mind that brought Doghouse, Evil Aliens, Midnight Peepshow (The Black Rabbit segment), Razor Blade Smile, Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes, ABC’s of Death (S for Speed) to life with Jake West Selects (UK/ IRE/ US/CA).
“Putting together this list of my recommended ARROW favourites has been a bloody delight…. but also presented me with a massive dilemma. I haven’t felt such indecision to pick since the heady and good old ‘nasty’ days of browsing lurid VHS video covers In a proper independent video shop! And now I find myself back in a beautifully arcane store with a superlative horror and cult film section…how the hell do I pick favourites out of a selection this great?
So, after hours of browsing the endless treats on offer, I’ve somehow managed to boil it down. So if you also aren’t quite sure what to pick, then here’s my cross-section recommendations of stone-cold classics; video nasty gorey mayhem: retro thrills and some bizarre mind-expanding cult delights that range from brutal to hilarious, and classy to trashy. I love ‘em all! So if you’re looking for guidance or just want to take a chance you really can’t go wrong with any of these…”
Titles Include: The Navigator: A Mediaeval Odyssey, The Red Queen Kills 7 Times, Switchblade Sisters.

On March 15th, ARROW unveils their Spring collection with Fashion Victims (UK/ IRE/ US/CA). Fashion Victims sees the models and photographers of the hottest fashions fall victim to the cruelest killers. This season’s killer looks are all here and ready to wear, but are you ready to dare start watching?
Titles Include: Crimes of Passion, There’s Always Vanilla, Swap Nude for Your Killer.

On March 22, subscribers Must Be Losing It (UK/ IRE/ US/CA).
Must Be Losing It is a collection of films that are losing their grip on reality. When the lines are blurred, your mind is reeling, it feels like they’re coming to get you and you can no longer tell the difference between what is real and what is not – you Must Be Losing It.
Titles Include: Naked Lunch, The Third Eye, Laguna Ave.

On March 28, see the classics with new clarity: Cult in 4K (UK/ IRE/ US/CA).
Cult films like you’ve never seen or heard them before; enjoy fresh and classic cult in glorious 4K.
Titles Include: Ringu, Terrible Things, Hellraiser.
ARROW is available in the US, Canada, the UK and Ireland on the following Apps/devices: Roku (all Roku sticks, boxes, devices, etc), Apple TV & iOS devices, Samsung TVs, Android TV and mobile devices, Fire TV (all Amazon Fire TV Sticks, boxes, etc), and on all web browsers at
With a slickly designed and user-friendly interface, and an unparalleled roster of quality content from westerns to giallo to Asian cinema, trailers, Midnight Movies, filmmaker picks and much, much more, ARROW is the place to go for the very best in on-demand entertainment.